Land Development Opportunities

Turkey Bend Recreation Area


Forty miles northwest of downtown Austin, Turkey Bend Recreation Area lies on the north shoreline of Lake Travis in both Burnet and Travis counties. Lake Travis is located on the Highland Lakes, which are designed to manage floodwaters along the lower Colorado River. These lakes also offer opportunity for boating, fishing, swimming and relaxing.

Turkey Bend Recreation Area is located between Marble Falls and Cedar Park, a rapidly growing area. This area is part of the Texas Hill Country region, which spreads across the geographic center of the state and features softly sloping hills, natural springs, bustling cities and charming small towns. The Texas Hill Country welcomes an estimated 30 million visitors per year with over 75% of those being leisure and auto travelers.

Property SpecIfIcatIons

4000 Shaw Drive, Marble Falls, TX 78654


Marble Falls, Texas

1,146 acres

Burnet and Travis counties
5.6 shorelines miles

Partially developed


Flushing and non-flushing restrooms
Water and electric at park entrance
Primitive campsites


WIthIn 25 MIlesWIthIn 50 MIlesWIthIn 150 MIles
General Household StatIstIcs
2020 Households298,5101,025,6352,866,146
2023 Households321,8421,114,8823,066,847
2023 Median HH income$112,919$85,463$75,314
% 2023 HHs >$50k81%72%67%
2023 % of Pop 18-3522%28%26%
2023 % Family Households66%62%66%
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For more information or to schedule a property tour, email [email protected].


Complete our Unsolicited Proposal Policy and submit to [email protected].